Winterangebot 2024 - 2025


Triumph Rocket III Tuning (english)

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Read this article in German language
Dynojet Prüfstand mit Triumph Rocket III Motor einer Triumph Rocket III

Stage 1:

- Modify the air intake
- Remove all electronic chokes
- Remove max speed limitation
- Adjust air / fuel mixture on the Dynojet test bench
- Performance diagram before / after
- Power about 150-160 hp / torque about 215-225 NM *
*Performance and torque specifications may vary depending on the exhaust type

349,- Euro

Stage 1 PLUS:
- RAM AIR Filter (fit under the original Bearclaw)

- High density pistons
- Cylinder head machining "Basic"
- Reinforced clutch springs
- Remove all electronic chokes
- Remove max speed limitation
- Adjust air / fuel mixture on the Dynojet test bench
- Performance diagram before / after
- Power about 170-185 hp / torque about 230-255 NM *
*Performance and torque specifications may vary depending on the exhaust type
2699,- Euro

Getuntes Triumph Rocket III Modell Eleanor  Umbau einer Triumph Rocket III

Stage 2:

- RAM AIR Filter (fit under the original Bearclaw)
- High density pistons
- Torque camshafts
- Cylinder head machining "Extrem"
- Reinforced clutch springs
- Adaptation of the valve control
- Remove all electronic chokes
- Remove max speed limitation
- Adjust air / fuel mixture on the Dynojet test bench
- Performance diagram before / after
- Power about 190- 200 hp / torque about 250-260 NM *
* Performance and torque specifications may vary depending on the exhaust type

We recommend our open "Handmade" manifold system for this stage
5999,- Euro

- MSG Bearclaw with big K&N air filters 488,- Euro
- Ceramic / carbon clutch
499,- Euro
- MSG RamAir Bearclaw 499,- Euro

Link to a quarter mile race (german): Race of the Beast
Link to a report (german): Triumph Rocket III Tuning

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